September 15, 2010

Heritage Day Parade

Our Pack will be marching in the Heritage parade on Saturday, September 25.

The meet-up point is the corner of Main St. & Schoolhouse Dr. 

We encourage all scouts to march with the Pack.  Please plan to be at the above location between 9:15-9:30 am.  Make sure your scout is dressed in full uniform.

We still need lots of volunteers to help with the booth later in the day.
Please go to and click on Announcements to be taken to the sign-up sheet.  Your hour of volunteering will fly by!  Help support our Pack!!!


Volunteers needed!

Pack 476 is in need of some volunteers to take over leadership positions that will be vacated in Dec 2010. All of the positions are currently filled and the person in that position would like to assist in training the new leader.   Here are the positions that we are in need of filling :
Committee Chair (10 hours a month) - Ultimately responsible for the Pack and its operations; recruits and supports the Pack's adult volunteers
Advancement Coordinator (2-3 hour per month) - Emails to solicit info on Scout achievements, then works with the Council office to get the awards for distribution at Pack meetings.
Secretary (2 hours per month) - Attends committee meeting and provides meeting minutes to the pack.
PR (1-2 Hours per month) - Sends key notices/announcements to the Citizen. This position is a great way to tell non-Scouts about all the great things Scouts do.
Popcorn Chair (12 hours for 2-3 month) - Distributes popcorn sales order forms, collects them and rolls them up to the Council for consolidated ordering; Distributes prizes.

All of the individuals that are currently in these positions will be moving on to Boy Scouts next year and will be available to provide training. We need to get these positions filled in order to successfully recharter the pack in December. 

If you are interesting in volunteering for one of these positions, please let me know and we can get you training to be successful at your new position.  We will be discussing this more at the pack meeting next week, so we can allow for training while we still have the current volunteers available.

October 17, 2009

Popcorn Update!

Here's a reminder about Pop Corn fund raising for our Pack AND yet another opportunity to help your Scout meet him goals.


Last weekend, I overheard several people tell us, at that mall, that Scouts never come to their house anymore to sell pop corn.  If you don't go door to door with your Scout, you are missing a great opportunity.  In just a couple of hours, you can have some quality time with your son, he can pick up life skills by interacting with people and he can meet his $150 sales goal, to support the Pack.
Last weekend, I also overheard some people mention how courteous our Scouts were, compared to those aggressive Girl Scouts and their cookies!  :-)


Once again, a couple of good pitches that will help your Scout sell more:

1.  (SMILING) "Hi, I'm Tim from Cub Scout Pack 476.  I'm selling pop corn to help support my Pack and so I can go camping this summer.  You'll help me won't you? (Nodding head affirmatively.)"
2.  (SMILING) "Hi, I'm Jim from Cub Scout Pack 476.  I'm selling some deeeeeeelicious pop corn to help support my Pack.  You'll help me won't you? (Nodding head affirmatively.)"

By the way, "No" is a good thing for our Scouts to hear; it means they're one step closer to another "Yes."


Your Scout can make a great impression on his customers and practice good manners by making his own thank you notes, to deliver with the pop corn.  His customers will remember what your Scout did and will likely be a repeat customer next year.


Cubstomer: "That's expensive."
Cub Scout: "70% of what you are spending goes directly to Scouting."

Cubstomer: "I don't like pop corn."
Cub Scout: "We also have a tasty trail mix."
Cub Scout: "You can support our troops by sending pop corn to them in Iraq and Afganistan or sending it to their families who live on domestic bases, awaiting their return. Over the last few years, we've sent millions of dollars of pop corn to troops and their families."
Cub scout: "Would you be willing to make a small donation to our Pack?"

Cubstomer: "I don't want to wait for my order."
Cub Scout: "I can get it to you in less than a week."  I don't want this to be a problem for our Scouts.  If you have people who want product immediately, please let me know and I will help make it available.

Cubstomer: "No", "No, thank you." or some version of "I gave at the office."
Cub Scout (ALWAYS):  (SMILING) "Thank you.  Have a great day!"

Checks may be written out to "Pack 476."


We have secured Friday, November 13 at FSK for one more sales opportunity.  If anyone can make it earlier than 5PM, please let me know.  I will send an email out when the signup is online.


Every Thursday:  Bring me your filled sales sheet and you will be entered in a Council drawing for a $100 Wal Mart gift card on Friday.  Last drawing is on 11/20.  Remember, each filled sheet is automatically good for two Nationals tickets.
11/13:  FSK Mall Sales opportunity
11/20:  Final order due, along with prize selections
12/5:  Final product pick up


If your Scout is excited about delivering product quickly, please email me to arrange a pickup date/time.  You'll need to bring the sales sheet.

Larry Call
Pop Corn Kernel

PS--A big shout out to my SUPER helpers, for picking up and/or storing the pop corn that we're selling:  Thanks again, Ken Smith, Dan Snively, Lawrence Fernandez and John Bongard!  And a HUGE shout out to my SUPER wife, for letting me store pop corn in the living room!

September 26, 2009

Polo Shirt Sales

The link below shows the Polo shirt we would like to order for the pack.  The more shirts we order the less it will cost.  We have chosen to go with a Royal Blue with yellow embroidery. Please let us know if you are interested and we will place an order to get the shirts.

Link :

If we only order 10 shirts the price is 17.99 each, but if we order 25 the price is 14.99 each.  We will be adding approximately $1 for Tax/shipping & handling to the price of each shirt to cover the costs.

We need to know the quantity and size you would like ordered. You can use the form button below to submit your order.

Sell Popcorn Online

These instructions would be directed to your Scout.  I would suggest that you take the opportunity to spend a minute with your Scout and let him do it.

  1. Go to
  2. On the bottom left side, you should see an image that reads "Scouts", next to the BSA emblem.--click on that image
  3. On the top right side, you should see text that reads "Create an Account"--click on that will end up on a page for creating a new account.  EVERY SCOUT must create a new account--old numbers will not work.
  4. For "I'm in a", select "Pack" from the drop down list
  5. For "Number", enter "0476" (without the quotes)
  6. For "My zip code is", enter the zip code of your residence
  7. Select your birthday from the "Month", "Day" and "Year" drop down lists
  8. Enter your Parent or Guardian's name
  9. Enter your Parent or Guardian's email address
  10. Click on the "Submit" button
  11. On the next page, click on the radio button next to Pack 0476
  12. Click on the "Select" button
  13. Fill in the required fields on the next page (fields with an "*" next to them)
  14. Click on "Create Account & Login" button
  15. You will get a message that informs you that your Parent or Guardian will receive an email that has to be read first, before you get your will receive a notification, once your Parent or Guardian does something with the email.  (Tell your Parent or Guardian to check his/her SPAM folder, just in case the email looks like a phony ham product)
  16. Follow steps 1 and 2 again
  17. Click on the "Sign In" link in the upper right hand corner and enter your email address and password that you created
  18. Poke around--you can use the Trails End website to send emails to your friends and family, all over the United States.  You can also track your websales right on the website.

You don't have to sent emails to people, to get sales.  You can just tell them to go to and make sure that they select you, to get credit for the sale.  Your friends and family will have to know what your first name, last name initial and zip code are, to find you.  You can test to see how your site will look to friends and family, if you just go to yourself.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Fall Popcorn Sales - the Pack's BIGGEST Fund Raiser

Last year, we sold over $10,000 in popcorn, which includes military sales. It helped us raise $3350 for the Pack last year. That money helped us send 30 Scouts to camp this year for $50 less than the normal cost. It helped us to raise money for the Council, to maintain Camp Snider and Goshen Scout Reservation. It helped us to pay for our Blue and Gold Banquet, as well as our Pinewood Derby.
In a Pack Committee meeting we estimated that we need each Scout to sell $150, to cover the Pack’s expenses for the year, assuming 45 Scouts in our Pack.    Based on those numbers, we as a Pack need to sell $6800 in popcorn. But I have ordered $2000 more than that, because I know that some of your will sell more than that. Some of you want to earn a digital camcorder or electric scooter or an mp3 player. I want you to be able to deliver your popcorn sales right away, so we have enough ordered for you to do that. We also will have an opportunity for every Scout to sell popcorn at Show and Sell events at Safeway and pending final approval, at FSK Mall. If you fill up a sheet, I will get you your popcorn almost immediately.
·         No more kettle corn.
·         No more 30-pack microwave (sell 2 15-pack instead!!!!)
·         Trail mix comes in a resealable bag this year.
·         Improved Chocolatey Caramel Crunch--it's now Chocolatey Triple Delight.
·         No more Caramel Corn w/ peanuts in the small tin--now it's all Caramel Corn.
·         $40 Popcorn for Troops
·         Fill up your sheet for two free tickets to a Nationals Baseball game in May.
·         Top sellers ($1000+) will have a special tail-gate party at the Nationals Baseball game
·         Sell $1500 and get an additional $50 WalMart gift card
·         A chance to win the weekly drawing for $100 WalMart gift card, for filling up sheet
·         A chance to win one of five $100 WalMart gift cards for their best photo
·         Sell $2500 and get a free week of camp PLUS 6% of all of your sales and future sales go into a 529
New online:
·         Online only: Chili Lime Almonds, Wasabi Soy Almonds AND Yogurt-covered pretzels
·         Easier sign up process—prices are higher
·         Prizes not combined with offline sales—earn gift cards for 10% of sales to, after exceeding $250 in sales
·         Email will follow with sign up information for online sales.
Well, 70% of all sales go right to Scouting…you can present your customers with a receipt, stating that 70% of the price is tax deductible. For purchases for troops, the donation is totally tax deductible.

Selling Tips:
Always wear your Class A uniform
Always sell with an adult or with a group
Never enter anyone’s home
Do not sell after dark
Always stay on sidewalks and driveways
Never carry large amounts of cash
Try to collect when you sell, so you have less to worry about later
Practice your sales approach…
1.        Hi sir, my name is first name ONLY
2.       I’m a cub scout with Pack 476
3.       I’m selling Trail’s End popcorn to help raise money for our Pack and also so I can earn my way to Camp.
4.       You can support us by buying some of our deeeeeeelicious gourmet popcorn. (Hand customer take order form and pen.)
5.       You’ll help me, won’t you? (Nodding your head affirmatively.)
If someone just wants to make a donation—will you accept it?
Payment to Pack 476.
Extra incentives!
Pizza party for the top selling den per capita.
Pizza party for the entire Pack and cream pie in the face of the popcorn kernel, for the crazy Pack goal of $15000 in sales. (Each Scout MUST sell his $150 share.)
WalMart gift cards for the top three salesmen in the Pack.
For all individual sales over the $150, we will maintain a Scout account with the proceeds, to defer the cost of camping or other individual expense—Webelos II Scouts will be able to transfer their Scout account funds to the Troop of their choice, when they bridge.
What if I don’t want to earn my way? Mom and/or Dad will have to come up with an extra $50, over the $50 in annual Pack dues.
9/25: Sorting and pickup
11/18: Final popcorn order due, along with prize orders
11/20:  Fill it up drawing ends, Photo contest ends
12/5: Final popcorn pick-up
12/20: Final payment due